Sitting on her patio, Sue glances up briefly from her laptop to watch her children smile, giggle and play on a warm Saturday afternoon. Another week of school is in the books and so far, so good. Her children seem to be doing well, mostly exceeding her expectations for this year.

She returns to her laptop and clicks on her bookmark link to the Forney ISD website. From there she navigates to the Parents page where she can access a vast number of pages and content pertaining to the district, her children’s schools as well as just about anything about Forney ISD. But today, she is seeking more information about how well her children are doing in school and what upcoming assignments, projects and tests they should prepare for.

Sue clicks on the Skyward link, which is the district’s Student Information System and logs into the program. She begins her info gathering mission with her eldest son, seeking grades on assignments, tests,  Sitting on her patio, Sue glances up briefly from her laptop to watch her children smile, giggle and play on a warm Saturday afternoon. Another week of school is in the books and so far, so good. Her children seem to be doing well, mostly exceeding her expectations for this year.

She returns to her laptop and clicks on her bookmark link to the Forney ISD website. From there she navigates to the Parents page where she can access a vast number of pages and content pertaining to the district, her children’s schools as well as just about anything about Forney ISD. But today, she is seeking more information about how well her children are doing in school and what upcoming assignments, projects and tests they should prepare for.

Sue clicks on the Skyward link, which is the district’s Student Information System and logs into the program. She begins her info gathering mission with her eldest son, seeking grades on assignments, so she will know exactly what to help him with. She can also organize all of his upcoming assignments and create tutoring time with him on a built-in calendar in Canvas.

Now, with the help of Skyward and Canvas and by working hand-in-hand with his teacher, she can begin to help her son not only overcome his struggles with the subject matter, but to also begin to make great improvements in his classroom.

Parenting is a full-time job and arguably one of the hardest that any of us will ever take on. The pay is not so great and the hours can be draining, but the reward is immeasurable.

But, for parents who have children attending school in Forney ISD, parenting becomes a little bit easier with programs like Skyward and Canvas. With these powerful programs at their fingertips, parents can stay in touch, get involved and be a part of their child’s educational progress throughout the school year and beyond.

If you are a parent of students attending school in Forney ISD, we invite you to get connected with the district!
