Health and Wellness Oct14

Living Proof

This was not the way she had imagined she would turn out. The image staring back from the mirror had a surreal quality. What had happened to that young, healthy, active woman she used to be? Would she ever look and feel that way again? Or was she just destined to be confined to this body that just didn’t seem to fit?

You see, this woman—who had longed to have it all—got busy reaching for everything she wanted and ended up a technically obese woman. Obese. The word was hard to hear when her family physician first shared it with her. Sure, she knew she was overweight; but she had good reasons—she had a job, kids, and a husband that demanded time. Most weeknights, the kids needed to get to practice, so dinner had to be “on the run”. Weekends were always busy. And she stayed so tired most of the time that they often went out to eat. But she intended to start exercising again “once things slowed down”.

But this time, her doctor said, she couldn’t wait. The reality was sobering—she was pre-diabetic, she had high blood pressure, and on her current path, she was destined for a heart attack. If she continued in this direction, he said, she might not even be around long enough for things to slow down.

Obesity does that to a body. Most people know that it is largely to blame for diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. But it has also been linked to sleep apnea, cancer, and even osteoarthritis. And the clinical diagnosis is less rigorous than you might think. Anyone with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 or higher is by definition obese. So many people are surprised to learn that you can be considered obese even if you only carry an extra 40 pounds.

This was the wake-up call this mom needed! She carved out a little time in her schedule to exercise, but found she was so out of shape that even a short walk to the corner was excruciating. She made better dinner choices a top priority, but their schedule was just as busy as it had been before. So she just did the best she could.

In time, she got a little healthier and lost a few pounds. But those years of neglect had taken their toll. As she looked at her own mother and other family members, she soon realized that she might be fighting a bigger battle than she had thought.

After some time of “doing the best she could”, she visited her doctor again. After discussing her family history, health concerns, and family situations, they examined various options and decided that she might just talk with someone about bariatric (weight loss) surgery. Embarrassed by that idea, she put it off. Surely she wouldn’t need to take such drastic measures!
But eventually, she had to face the facts—she just wasn’t able to make the necessary changes on her own. So she made the appointment and visited the bariatric specialist. There, she was surprised to learn that the purpose of bariatric surgery is not to lose weight. Instead, it serves to reverse the life-threatening medical conditions that result from excess weight.

Armed with this new knowledge, she did the research, consulted with her physicians, educated herself on the risks and benefits, and after several months, made the decision that would change her life. Several years later, she looks and feels great… and those health risks are nothing more than a memory!

So don’t be surprised if you meet a mom at the varsity game who tells you she just isn’t the person she used to be. Ask her what she means—you may be amazed by her “before and after story”. She is now living proof that for some people, weight loss surgery is the solution for their health concerns.